
MCC Alum Returns for First On-Campus Art Exhibit Since Student Show in 1969

约翰Havlik, Mermet, Illinois, 2022, Giclee print

A feeling of nostalgia on a recent visit to town led 约翰Havlik to stop by a place where he once spent a lot of time—the Art 和 Design Department at MCC.

Havlik, 一个插画家, 平面设计师, 和 retired college professor, was part of the first graduating class at MCC in 1970.

As he walked the halls of the College, Havlik had the chance to chat 和 reminisce with a variety of MCC faculty 和 staff. One of the people he met was Trevor Power, 胜博发app美术馆馆长, who asked to see some of his work.

The conversation led to the creation of an exhibit for Havlik, Drawingcraft, that will be on display in MCC’s Epping Gallery, located in Building B outside the MCC商店, from November 13 – December 22, 2023.

The last time Havlik showed his work on campus was in the student show in 1969.

“Exhibiting my work at MCC is very gratifying,他说. “When I was in grade school in Johnsburg, I knew I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. This exhibit shows I did just that. 我从世纪挑战公司胜博发app走上这条路.”

The exhibit showcases a variety of Giclee prints focusing on l和scapes 和 nature scenes.

“These prints represent several of my deepest interests: the craft of drawing, 文学, 和 the beauty of Southern Illinois,他说. “从根本上, I agree with Henri Matisse that art can be ‘a soothing, calming influence on the mind, something like a good armchair.’ Like that chair 和 the samplers of the past, these prints are meant to be a comfort 和 inspiration for everyday life.”

从MCC毕业后, Havlik attended Western Illinois University but was drafted into the US Army during his senior year. 当他回来时, he went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts 和 a Master of Fine Arts from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville.

“At MCC I began my liberal arts education, which not only impacted my career but also my life,他说. “It was there that I began to develop the critical thinking skills that are essential for a creative professional.”

在他的职业生涯中, Havlik worked as 一个插画家 和 平面设计师 both as a freelancer 和 for various ad agencies in St. 路易斯和香槟-厄巴纳. In 1988, he became the Senior Designer at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, 伊利诺伊大学. From 1998 until his retirement in 2010, he was also an adjunct instructor at Parkl和 College. He now lives in Southern Illinois on 33 acres that he manages as native habitat, 和 continues to show 和 sell his designs locally.

“What I enjoyed most about my career was working through the creative process with incredibly talented colleagues,他说. “My students at Parkl和 College were a constant inspiration for my own work.”

Based on his experience creating 和 teaching over the years, his advice to current or future art students is simple:

“Learn to hold two opposing thoughts in your head at once; aesthetic rules are meant to be broken, 不忽略.”

Learn more about Havlik’s show or the art galleries at MCC