

MCC is committed to creating an environment that is educationally 和 physically accessible 和 inclusive to all members of our community.

If you cannot find the information you need or have any concerns about campus accessibility, contact 无障碍及残疾服务.


  • 查看校园地图 for locating accessible routes, entrances, elevator locations, restrooms, 和 parking.
  • Parking: Accessible parking is available to anyone legally authorized to use it, provided the vehicle bears the appropriate State-issued license plate or hangtag. Such parking is also available to vehicles bearing temporary disability permits issued by local municipalities or the State of Illinois.  所有许可证必须正确显示.  的 fine for parking in a designated accessible stall without authorization is $250.  Accessible parking is available in all lots near building entrances.
  • 目前入学的MCC学生可以 注册MCC校园提醒 to be notified of any safety alerts 和 campus closings.
  • 应急响应

Communication Access 和 Event 可访问性

MCC encourages all individuals to participate in its programs 和 activities. If you need an accommodation or a sign language interpreter, contact the 无障碍及残疾服务 department at (815) 455-8766 or disabilityservices@麦克亨利.edu.



MCC takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of www.麦克亨利.edu:

  • Employ formal accessibility quality assurance methods including use of Hannon Hill's Cascade 和 SiteImprove's web accessibility tools to check compliance.
  • Provide continual accessibility training for our staff.
  • Assign clear accessibility goals 和 responsibilities.
  • Integrate accessibility into our procurement practices.


www.麦克亨利.edu部分符合WCAG 2.0级AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility st和ard.

Web Content 可访问性 Guidelines (WCAG) define requirements for designers 和 developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, 和 Level AAA.


"的 Illinois Information Technology 可访问性 Act (IITAA) requires Illinois agencies 和 universities to ensure that their websites, 信息系统, 和 information technologies are accessible to people with disabilities. While the Americans with Disabilities Act 和 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act already require the State to ensure accessibility, the IITAA establishes specific st和ards 和 encourages the State to address accessibility proactively.“自2007年IITAA生效以来, MCC has strived to meet the IITAA st和ards, presuming that Illinois communities colleges should adhere to the st和ards set for universities, 尽管社区大学不是 要求 遵守.

Compatibility with browsers 和 assistive technology

www.麦克亨利.edu is not compatible with browsers older than three major versions.


www的可访问性.麦克亨利.edu relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser 和 any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:

  • HTML
  • wai - aria
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

的se technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility st和ards used.


McHenry County College assessed the accessibility of www.麦克亨利.通过以下途径:

  • 自我评价
  • Use of SiteImprove's web accessibility audits 和 accessibility checks


Despite our best efforts to ensure the accessibility of www.麦克亨利.当然,可能会有一些限制. Below is a description of known limitations, 和 potential solutions. 请联系 us if you observe an issue not listed below.


  1. We are in the process of replacing PDFs that may not be completely accessible.
    请联系 mccinfo@麦克亨利.edu if you encounter an issue with a specific PDF.


We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of www.麦克亨利.edu. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on www.麦克亨利.edu:

We try to respond to feedback within two business days.
