The MCC mascot, Roary the lion, st和s before the door to building B. A banner says Welcome 学生.


We're excited to meet 和 welcome you as a member of the MCC Scots Family!

新生迎新 (NSO) is:

  • one of the first steps in beginning your academic journey at MCC.
  • an important program designed to support your success at MCC!


To ensure that you're comfortable 和 prepared before the 秋季学期 胜博发app,加入我们吧 由两部分组成 取向的经验.


Part I of our experience provides an in-depth overview of the College’s services, 资源, 支持系统, 还有其他机会. This should take approximately 30 minutes to complete; however, you can stop 和 restart the orientation session at any time.

Part I: Online NSO requires your MCC username 和 password to be completed. You'll receive your login information within 72 hours after you've submitted your application.
客人访问 does not require login information but does not complete the Online NSO requirement. 联系 新生迎新 team if you’ve completed the Online Guest Orientation.

Start Part I: Online 新生迎新 »

Part II: In-Person Orientation 和 Course Registration

After completing Part I, complete the in-person Part II session.

Part II: In-Person 新生迎新 is not required for part-time students (11 credits or less), students who are 21 years of age or older, students who have completed 24 college credits at MCC or at another college or university, 或者完全在线的学生. 联系 新生迎新 team 接下来的步骤.

At In-Person Orientation, you'll:

  • 注册课程 with Academic Advisors 和 MCC Staff
  • 办理MCC学生证
  • 认识MCC教职员
  • Learn about services, 资源, 和 support programs
  • Enjoy some food 和 games, 和, of course, win prizes 和 other giveaways!

秋天 2024 In-Person Orientation 和 Course Registration Dates:

  • 星期五,2024年4月26日
  • 2024年6月6日,星期四
  • 星期二,2024年6月25日
  • 星期三,2024年7月10日
  • 2024年7月25日,星期四
  • 星期二,2024年8月6日

In-Person Orientations run from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

See 秋天 2024 courses to start planning!

To register for Part II: In-Person Orientation 和 Course Registration, you must first complete the Online 新生迎新, if you have not already done so. If you've already completed it, log back in using your MCC credentials to access the registration link located on the final page.

We're looking forward to helping you prepare for your first semester at MCC!

联系 新生迎新 team 有问题的.

To ensure you are comfortable 和 prepared before the 春季学期 胜博发app,加入我们吧 由两部分组成 取向的经验.


Part I of our experience provides an in-depth overview of the College’s services, 资源, 支持系统, 还有其他机会. This should take approximately 30 minutes to complete; however, you can stop 和 restart the orientation session at any time.

Part I: Online NSO requires your MCC username 和 password to be completed. You'll receive your login information within 72 hours after you've submitted your application.
客人访问 does not require login information but does not complete the Online NSO requirement. 联系 新生迎新 team if you’ve completed the Online Guest Orientation.

Start Part I: Online 新生迎新 »

Part II: Registration 和 Course Planning

Once you complete your Online Orientation, contact the Academic Advising office if you need assistance planning your classes or have other questions about getting started. 你可以 schedule your appointment online,叫 (815) 479-7565, or stop by the advising office in A257 as a drop-in during our office hours.

Thank you for your interest in starting at MCC in the 夏季学期!


New summer students who intend to continue into the 秋季学期 should complete the 由两部分组成 取向的经验. Keep an eye on your MCC-issued email address for more information in March.

If you're a summer-only student, see the steps to become a 夏天-Only Student.

联系 新生迎新 team 有问题的.